polka dot dot

Match Your Mutt: Polka Dot Style Guide

Dress up just doesn’t have to be just for your dog. As a Dog Mom, it’s fun to look cute! We often spend our days chasing our four legged friends and end our days covered in fluff. As a husky owner, I know this life all too well. It’s everywhere. From my clothes to the…

koda squirrel

Peanut Butter Squirrel Dog Cookies

I’m ridiculous. Really ridiculous. For the last 2 weeks I have been soooo excited today. It’s National Squirrel Appreciation Day! A day that only I would care about. But squirrels are my spirit animal and a favorite creature outside of dogs. In 2001, wildlife rehabilitation specialist, Christy Hargrove, founded National Squirrel Appreciation Day. She created…

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Celebrating Christmas with Your Four-Legged Friends

With only a few days remanding until my children comes together to celebrate this lovely time of year, I am reflecting tonight on my family during the holidays. It’s different now that they are older. One will be home while the other is celebrating with friends. However, family is family – no matter where we…

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World Animal Enrichment Day

Animal enrichment has a deep meaning to Canine Crazies. One of the very first things I made for my girls was a snuffle mat! As the beagle aged, she couldn’t hear or see. Ohhh but that nose! She unstoppable. With the advice of her vet, to keep her mind sharp he recommended dog enrichment. Me…

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Halloween Safety Tips For Dogs

As Halloween steadily approaches, it can be a festive and whimsical time for many humans. However if not careful, it can be a total nightmare for dogs. With strange sights, stressful sounds and curious dangers, pet owners should take extra precautions to ensure their furry friend is safe and stress-free. Here at Canine Crazies, we…

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Plushies are Pets Too: Happy National Plush Day!

Here at Canine Crazies, we love animals of all kinds including the stuffed ones. Although they aren’t real, they are real in our hearts. Bruno the Dog Prop is our official mascot, crafting companion and travel friend.  In honor of National Plush Day celebrated on October 28, we thank plushies for loving our kids and…


Happy National Dog’s Day!

Dogs are amazing creatures. You’ve probably already heard that August 26th is National Dog Day, and you’re no doubt planning to celebrate it with your furry friend, but did you know that the holiday has actually been in existence since 2004? It’s easy to see why this day has become such a popular celebration among…