Quick and Easy Sweet Potato Dog Bones

Why I started baking sweet potato dog bones

My interest in making sweet potato dog bones first started when I adopted my sweet little beagle, Winnie back in 2010. Since the loss of our cats, I decided it was time for a dog. Found her on Craigslist and the advertisement said "sweet quiet beagle" A quiet beagle? No, not possible. That alone perked my curiosity. I must go meet this pup.

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As I went to go investigate, I met up with the family who needed to find her a new home. As the owner explained to me her reasons for re-homing her, I observed Winnie. Noticed she was very good with children and had an extremely happy tail. I knew in my heart right away, she was the one. As we chatted about adoption fees, temperament, and medical records, it impressed me how much they cared and spoiled this special girl. The former owner gave me all of her supplies and records, including a book about how to make dog bones.ย  I found it so sweet that the owner took the time to try to learn how to bake for her. Clearly she was loved.

Over the years, I carried on this traditions of her first owner and learned to bake sweet potato dog bones, mostly during special times like Christmas and her birthday. Since I wanted to reassure her first owner, we kept in contact via social media so she could see for herself how I carried the torch. We discovered together peanut butter was her favorite. She enjoyed sweet potatoes. Occasionally I threw in bacon for an extra treat. Every night we have tradition. Go out for a pee and have a bone before bed. Her happy tail and over excitement for an evening bone always makes me smile.

Quiet beagle, yes in fact she is! The only time she gets a bit barky is when other dogs are around or there is an opossum on the fence line. With the head of a beagle and a body of a whippet, she has the best qualities of both breeds. A calm personality who seldom barks (whippet) but the nose (beagle) that is easily motivated so easy to train. We've worked on various tricks just to amuse myself from balancing bones on her nose to playing the "find it" game hiding treats around the house. The snuffle mats are one of her favorite new toys.

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Sorry girl, it's not dog food

Sweet potato dog bones are so quick to bake!ย 

Like most families, we are on stay at home orders due to COVID-19. One night, I ran out of her regular boxed dog bones, so what do you do when you can't leave the house? I cook! Using leftover ingredients I had from our Imperfect Foods subscription and a 10 lb bag of flour I happened to score at the store, I decided it was time to start baking again for the pooches. When I brought home the flour, both my darling beagle and crazy husky thought it was a bag of dog food. Although they were quite disappointed when I opened it, they have been pleased with the constant supply of homemade dog bones I am baking during quarantine.

Given my work schedule during the day and caring for children at night, this recipe for easy sweet potato bones has been my weekly standby. They are fun to make and can be formed in all different shapes and sizes. Doggie girls don't care. People cookies make me laugh. What makes me the happiest is no more boxed bones where I don't know the exact ingredients. I know these are natural and healthy. The texture of the bones are crunchy as they will dry out over time. I store them in an air tight container and should last you you a few weeks.

sweet potato bones

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Quick and Easy Sweet Potato Bones

Easy 4 ingredient sweet potato dog bone recipe that your pooch is sure to love. Simple, non complicated ingredients that are sure to be a hit for any dog, but easy for Mom.
Sweet potatoes provide a great source of dietary fiber which helps the digestive system. Also rich in calcium, potassium, and iron. According to PETMD, sweet potatoes are one of the best dietary sources of vitamin A, which promotes healthy skin, coat, eyes, nerves, and muscles in dogs.
For a more sensitive dogs, please visit our grain free version at Grain-Free-Sweet Potato Dog Bones
We also recommend you use all natural applesauce with no sugar added or make your own at InstaPot unsweetened applesauce
Prep Time15 minutes
Cook Time45 minutes
Course: Snack
Keyword: Dog Bones
Servings: 0


  • 1 each sweet potato, large
  • 2 1/2 cup whole wheat flour
  • 1 cup unsweetened apple sauce
  • 1 each eggs


  • Preheat oven to 350 degrees F.
  • Prick sweet potato several times. Cook in microwave in high for about 7 min or until tender.
  • Scoop out the flesh and discard the skin. Mash the sweet potatoes. Transfer 1 cup of sweet potatoes into a mixing bowl.
  • Mix whole wheat flour,ย unsweetened apple sauceย , and eggs in the bowl. Mix until a dough forms. Turn the dough on a well floured surface and roll about 1/4 inches.
  • Turn the dough on a well floured surface and roll about 1/4 inches. Cut out shapes using a cookie cutter. Arrange cookies on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper or a silicone mat.
  • Bake for 30-40 min or until crisp but not burnt. Cool the pans for about 5-10 minutes.



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