DIY Halloween Dog Costumes

As an October baby, I LOVE Halloween. Since my birthday is 1 week before All Hallow's Eve, growing up my mother would host amazing Halloween themed birthday parties. Nothing to me is more magical than carving pumpkins. Although I am not a huge jump scare fan, I appreciate cute decor and fall leaves. My love of dress up runs deep and is often why you will find me in costume. From my Facebook Live sales to events, it's fun to get a little silly at times. Costume time of course extends to my dogs. I as much as they hate me for it, I've loved putting them in things that make me laugh. From tutus to tiaras, here are my favorite last moment DIY Halloween dog costumes.

Disney Dogย 

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Husky girl in her ears from The Enchanted Seamstress
There is no one better I would ask for Disney dog ears than the Enchanted Seamstress. As a hand-maker, she specializes in geek, nerd and Disney fandom items. Her fabrics are fabulous, and you can customize them to your liking. From mouse ears, headbands, home decor, keychains and purses, you can check out her Etsy shop or visit her on The Enchanted Seamstress on Facebook and The Enchanted Seamstress on Instagram.

What you need

1f43e 1 pair of mouse ears

1f43e Skirt, dress or tutu


20221031 181355If you have a white dog, they will make the perfect marshmallow! This last moment costume was as easy as eating them.

What you need

1f43e cardboard box, poly fill, and brown fabric

1f43e marker

1f43e elastic or string

How to make: cut two rectangular square and draw dots and lines similar to a gram cracker. hot glue stuffing for the marshmallow and brown fabric for the chocolate.

20211023 182900Little Red Riding Hood and the Big Bad Wolfย 

Koda girl was NOT impressed by this costume at all. She hated the hat, shirt and especially the glasses. However, it was the perfect dog mom costume for my big bad wolf.

What you need

1f43e red cape and picnic basket

1f43eย  shirt, shower cap and plastic glasses. I would advise to take out the lenses so it does not hurt their eyes.

Ghost Dog

FB IMG 1635741932399The easiest doggie costume if your pup can tolerate it. Winnie girl loved meeting all the kids at the door so she had to come in costume too!

What you need

1f43e pair of scissors and a white sheet

How to make: measure the holes the distance of the eyes and nose. Cut out and throw it on your dog!

Flower Girlsย 

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Flower princesses and our tutus from the Royal Whimsy Shop!
Although I made this for a Mother's Day photoshoot, it can also work for Halloween! Dressed in our tutu from The Royal Whimsy Shop, we looked like pretty princesses! As these were custom order please visit The Royal Whimsy Shop on Instagram or The Royal Whimsy Shop on Facebook.

What you need:

1f43e DIY flower crown and tutus

How to make: For a detailed tutorial, please join my group Canine Crazies in the Den. I shared with the pack members how to make dog flower crowns.


20201031 182951Another very easy doggie custom for a white dog. As a husky, she is just like Bolt.ย  The only way I can catch her is in my car.

What you need:

1f43e construction paper, marker, glue or stapler and elastic

How to make: cut out lightning bolts and staple or glue them to elastic. measure the elastic around the dog. Also cut a circle for the bolt collar tag.

Pirate Dogย 

380767811 784369830360709 3394202173283228700 n 1Arrghh Maty! Who doesn't love pirate dogs! Paired with my pirate bandana, this made a perfect doggie costume!

What you need:ย 

1f43e 1 Canne Crazies pirate dog bandana

1f43e hat pattern from Cricuit.

1f43e elastic

How to make: using your Cricut, cut out the hat on construction paper. Add a bandana!

Beanie Babyย 

20201031 181107Constuction paper makes costume making so much easier! So does having an artist as a daughter. Every dog is as cute as a stuffed animal.

What you need:

1f43e yellow, red and white construction paper

1f43e elastic and glue

How to make: draw and cut out the ty shaped heart. glue together. punch a hole and add elastic to go around the neck


20211022 173335My favorite costume I ever made for my girls is the Blueberry Beagle! Using balloons and a jacket, she kept running into the walls because she didn't know how big she really was.

What you need:ย 

1f43e blue balloons

1f43e safety pins

1f43e winter jacket

How to make: blow up balloons and safety pin them to a jacket. You can also add leaves using green construction paper. However, you dress up your dog for Halloween, have fun with it! They are only on this planet for so long and it's the memories you make with your family that lasts for a lifetime. Be safe and Happy Halloween โ™ฅ

Wanna chat Live about dogs?

Come join Canine Crazies and my pack of dog friendly friends on Facebook at Canine Crazies in the Den. Let's bond, connect, laugh and share the love of our four legged friends.


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