I'm the youngest puppy of the Canine Crazies pack. I was adopted by Mommy in November 2023 and I'm so happy to be apart of my family.
A bit about me
Name: Bear
Birthday We aren't 100% sure but Mommy thinks it's March 15.
Nicknames: Bear Bear, big moose, buddy, dumb dumb
Breed: I'm part Alaskan malamute and husky. Based on my bio sister's Embark test, i'm also part German Shepard, Mommy wants to do a DNA test on me too.
Age and Birth Place: Somewhere in WA. Mommy thinks my birthday is in March based on my birth sister's pictures from my first rescue. I had 3 litter sisters.
Adopted from: I was first cared for by Hope 4 Huskies. Then they found me a very nice foster family at Washington Alaskan Malamute Rescue League
Favorite food: ย I love Mommy's crock pot dog food. The chicken is sooo good!ย I also prefer a Dog Dad diet. Mommy feeds me vegetables. Dad gives me meat.
Favorite thing to do: play bitey face with my sister. Its also fun when I get zoomies in Mommy's craft studio.
Things I hate the most: Being picked up. I scream. Also long car rides make me sick. I am learning. Mommy said the longer I go, the more adventures.
Where I sleep:ย During the day, I share the big dog bed Mommy made us. We destroyed the last one. At night, in the bedroom on the bed or floor.